Jul 9, 2011

Walk On The Beach

This morning we woke up to rain, boo.  But despite the drizzle Tom and I decided to still go to Pea Island and walk the beach looking for sea glass and sea shells.  When we got there, the rain hadn’t hit yet, so we were in luck.  We spent about an hour or two just walking on the beach together with the waves washing over our feet and collecting shells and glass, and talking.  It was a wonderful morning.

Sometimes I think every couple needs that alone time to spend together whether it is a dinner and movie out (or in)  or even a stroll around the block, woods, anywhere.  A part of keeping a relationship going is to have that quality time together to show how important each other truly are.  Quality time is one of five love languages that Dr. Chapman talks about in his book “Five Love Languages.”  in short the ways we all feel loved and important.

At one point during our walk Tom reached over and took my hand, the day changed from going to look for “treasure” to seeing his love for me and displaying mine for him.  There were times when we didn’t say a word, but looked at the sand or the ocean.  We got to spend two hours uninterrupted time together without cell phones, tv, computer or anything, just us. It was wonderful.  Its important to have that time.  To put away the phone (better yet turn it OFF so you wont be tempted to text or answer it), turn tv/computer/video games off and do something to spend time together, rekindle what made you fall in love in the first place.

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