Jul 20, 2010


Everyone has had something bad said about them in one form another, granted its hurtful to hear that someone has decided to say things about us.  There are times when no matter how old you are you will have to deal with people talking trash so to speak. Recently I had someone who I thought was a friend say some pretty nasty things about my character; things that are too far out there to be true.  But it still hurts.  The way I react to this is whats important.  Do I lash out at the person who is saying these things, or do I act as if what is being said in fact does not bother me?

Paulo Coelho says in his novel “The Fifth Mountain”:Life is made of oour attitudes. And there are certain things that the gods oblige us to live through. Their reason for this does not matter, and there is no action we can take to make them pass us by.  We don’t know the reason why certain things happen.  I dont know why this person feels the need to say mean and hurtful things, but there is a reason for it.  How i react could make a huge difference.  There is nothing I can do about another person’s actions and right now I am fine with that.  Its my actions and my attitude that means anything.

If I lash out at said person; I wouldnt be the bigger person, i would just be allowing her words to anger me, which makes me think of the kids saying “sticks and stones my break my bones but names will never hurt me.”  What good will lashing out do?  My attitude needs to be better than that.  There is nothing I can do to make this person stop their words, there is nothing i can do to stop anyone from saying something, but I can react in a positive manner and thats what makes me…well me and makes my life the way it is.

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