Jul 25, 2010

I Don’t Care

I have started listening to a band called Apocalyptica and I have to say I love their music.  Okay maybe its because they use cellos for rock/goth songs which is great in my book.  They have many great songs, but there is one song that I keep listening to today and i cannot get out of my mind.  It is called “I Don’t Care” featuring Adam from Three Days Grace.

I think thats the kind of attitude I need to take more often.  I don’t care.  I don’t what other people say, think or do.  Why should I care?  Why should I try to make other people happy when in the end it makes me unhappy?  Why should I worry if someone thinks it makes them look better to call me a whore?  I know the truth and people around me know the truth. 

Im getting to the point where I don’t care about other people  (to an extent) I still want to help people mainly children, but I am becoming bitter about people my own age.  I don’t care, I don’t give a rats ass about what other people think, say or do anymore.  Why should I?  What is the point in it?  There isn’t one.  I think I am changing the way I think and act, which is not a bad thing.  Right now I don’t care what others think, say, or do. 


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