Jan 30, 2009


Recently a dear friend of mine left her husband. I will not go into details of course out of respect for my friend, but her husband is an alcoholic and that has effected their relationship. She wants nothing more than to fix their relationship and move on as husband and wife, but he is not willing to work on things. In a conversation with me, he has stated, things changed; they aren’t the same. When we marry someone we say we will be with them til death do us part. We are not saying we will give up when things change and that is what my friend’s husband did. She told him their marriage was in jeopardy and he just gave up. I have to wonder what God thinks of situations like that? I know God wants you to enter into a marriage for life, til death do us part and the bible even speaks out against divorce, but aren’t there circumstances where he would understand such as this? Where in essence her own well being is in jeopardy since her husband was interested only in getting drunk?

I think God does want us to be happy and sometimes we need to realize that there may be problems in any relationship we have, but we need to work on them. I know there will be issues in my relationship with Nathan, but I am not going to let those issues come in the way of our relationship. Relationships take work, even our relationship with Christ. We cannot jsut say we accept Him into our lives and then not do anything. We need to talk to him, read his word and listen for his voice. Communication. The same thing that holds earthly relationships together. We need to work on our relationship with Jesus just as much as we need to work on our earthly ones. Just like we cannot give up on those we love, we cannot give up on Jesus.

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