Jan 20, 2009


This past weekend I went to visit someone special. In order to do this I needed to fly to Philly and there I met Nate and we drove to New Jersey. Normally flying isn't a big deal, but I flew by myself for the first time and I am prone to panic attacks; even in a crowded area like the airport I would have a panic attack. The great thing was that I didn't have one. I did get nervous and started to feel one begin, but I was able to overcome it and make it through the trip. Since being diagnosed with cancer, my outlook on life has changed. I realized I was living more in a box, my comfort zone and whenever I tried to step out of it, I would have a panic attack, and I don't want to live that way. God couldn't possibly want me to live in that way.

I sat in the airport and breathed the way I would in yoga when I felt an attack coming. When I was on the plane I focused my attention elsewhere, like on God or on getting to see Nate after not seeing him for almost a month. I didn't mind take off, though landing was a little rough. I did get lost in the Philadelphia airport when I arrived, but I didn't get upset or lose my attention, I just called Nate and found my way to where I needed to be. I was able to overcome something in my life that I thought I could never deal with without medications. But I did. By the grace of God and prayer I was able to overcome something that seemed to rule my life.

Since having cancer, my life is changing and it is for the better. I didn't see it then, but God had a grand plan for this terrible situation. I can overcome anything as long as I have faith in God and the power of prayer.

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