Jan 9, 2009

Comfort Zones and Risks

Too often I find myself sitting within my own comfort zone and I make excuses to not leave my zone and take a risk no matter what it may be. I tend to stay in places of my life that are comfotable and have no chance of me failing, getting hurt, but at the same time I have no chance of succeeding in something that I put my mind to or attempt. How can I know what the potential that God has given me is if I don't take the risks needed to find it out? I just stay where I am doing the same thing day in and day out, all the while feeling like I am not living up to what God wants me to or that I am where God wants me to be. But in the same mindset, how do I know where God wants me to be or what he wants me to do? Will everything seem to fall into place and make the most sense or what?

For several years I have felt that I needed to be somewhere other than where I am now. That there is something bigger for me in a different place, and that place is possibly in another state. What has stopped me was I know there are people in my life who would be hurt if I did move away...mom is one of the biggest people that I know will be hurt if I move away, but what if the only way I can fully spread my wings and find out God's purpose for me is to move away where I am not influenced by those around me. I know I need to take risks and not stay in this comfort zone that I made for myself. How can I accurately serve God if I stay in a comfort zone and take risks for Him? What if He is trying to lead me somewhere else and I am too afraid and comfortable, or that I am allowing too many other people influence me and where I feel I need to go?

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