Dec 27, 2008

How do you know

It has been posed to me before, and do you know God is talking to you. Or rather the question I have been asked has been how do you know someone is the one, but let's go with how do you know God is talking to you. Is it a feeling of "just knowing" or "having the feeling." Sometimes I think we want realistics, definites with everything including God, but that really isn't the case is it. How can we have a definite answer to knowing if God is speaking to us without actually hearing his voice in our ears.

I mean is it something within our hearts or something we really won't know until we die and get to ask God if he was talking to us at a specific point in our lives. How we know if something we want is what God wants from us or wants us to do. How do we know our own feelings and desires aren't influencing how we feel when we think God is trying to tell us something or do something...or to go somewhere. This is something weird for me to be struggling with, but since it has been posed to me a few weeks ago, I have been wondering it myself. How do we really know when God is speaking to us? Sadly the only answer I have is that we really don't know for sure until we met God in heaven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well that is a good question and I think that we need to use the best judgment that God gave us to figure that out. Sometimes He speaks to us in our dreams and sometimes it's a gut feeling and honestly we wont get it right every time but we can't spend our lives worrying about it. You could always use the old saying "What Would Jesus Do?". I know it is cheesy but I think that it really does help. If it is something that we wouldn't do if Jesus was standing right beside us then the answer is DON'T DO IT! I think that there are a lot of people that struggle with this same question and I struggle with it myself but I just do the best I can and take RISKS. I hope that helps!