Jun 30, 2008


While in Sunday School yesterday we were expanding on the fourth step of the twelve steps to take a moral inventory of yourself. While it is a hard thing to do, sometimes we need to do it, to grow closer to God and see things that we may need to try and change: like I need to work on worrying so much, or holding grudges with people who are long out of my life. Holding grudges was one of the popular things that we all think we need to work on. Everyone holds grudges for one reason or another; and sometimes we hold a grudge with someone who no longer lives.

What is the point of holding grudges? Why do we think that holding a grudge is at all helpful to us? What we think grudges do is hurt the other person, but in reality all it does is hurt us instead. We need to try and forgive the people who hurt us like Jesus did: which I talked about last week. I hold grudges, we all do.

I hold a grudge against my ex for how he treated me, there is a grudge against the man who raped me, an ex who abused me, one who cheated on me. What good does holding those grudges do for me? Nothing. And holding grudges yourself does nothing. It's not helpful at all. God wants us to forgive those who hurt us or cause us pain in any way. It's a hard thing to do, sometimes even harder to imagine doing. Some ask how could you forgive a man who rapes, but I have. I've forgiven my exes and others who have hurt me. When we let go of past hurts and grudges we see the light in those painful moments and see a way to help others through and possibly guide them closer to God because of that hurt.

God doesn't allow things to happen for no reason. He wouldn't allow someone to hurt us or cause us pain for no reason. There is always a reason for things: a learning experience, a possibility to grow closer to Him through the pain.

Jun 26, 2008

Enduring Pain

I cannot say how many times I have heard people say they think God enjoys the pain we go through at times. That He intentionally makes it so that we go through the hardships and pain a lot. Every time someone says God enjoys our suffering I am reminded of the line from Bruce Almighty; the one where he says God is a mean little kid frying ants with a magnifying glass. It saddens me that there are people that have this image of God the Father.

The King James Version of Lamentations 3:33 says: For He does not afflict willingly; nor grieve the children of men. This translation is a little hard to understand. What is Jeremiah saying (it's said Lamentations was written by him). The New Living Translations buts it in a different way. It says For he does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow. The New Living Translation gives us a more clear view of what the verse is telling us.

God does not enjoy seeing us hurt or suffering. When we are in pain God is in pain as well. While we are going through this suffering God shows compassion and unfailing love. Though while we are going through those times it's hard to see His compassion and love. He shows compassion in different ways sometimes more subtle than others. While at times God does allow us to go through times of suffering there is always something we can learn from it.

People have wondered how I could have cancer at such a young age, although cancer doesn't know age. Christians and non Christians alike have asked how could God have allowed that to happen to me. While I suffered and was in pain emotionally and physically I still knew God's compassion, and I learned so much from it. While we always will be going through trials and hardships, we don't go through them for nothing we learn from them. Keep in mind that God doesn't like us to be in pain, but knows we need to in order to learn.

Jun 25, 2008

Holier Than Thou

There are many Christians out there who make it a point to tell you you are a sinner. Or point out your mistakes. I had a friend in college who would do that. I would make one small mistake in his eyes, such as giving my ex a kiss (at the time we were together) I got a lecture about it. Or when I cuddled with a friend of mine to a movie; I got a lecture. The same person was quick to judge others and think he did no wrong. There are so many Christians that believe this. Sometimes they are refered to as "holier than thou" Christians. They think they are better than others. I will fall back on one of Pastor Paul's saying through church: When we were planning Celebrate Recovery (an addiction recovery program) a board member stated "You're going to bring addicts into our church?" WHERE ELSE WILL THEY GO?!

Not every Christian is a "holier than thou" Christian. I think so many people are turned off from Christianity because they know too many of those holier than thou types. They give the majority of us a bad name! They are preaching every moment they get almost shoving the word down a person's mouth whether they want to hear it or not. That is the type of Christian most of us are. There are Christians that wait until the time is right, or talk about God in a way that it's not intrusive. The motto of my church is "Judge no one: minister to all." No matter who you are you are welcomed into our church with open arms the way Jesus would have done. We don't judge anyone nor do we make it a point to point out the sins of others.

The River Of Life Christian Fellowship is known as the Church of the misfits and we are proud out that! There is no wrong or right way to worship and praise God. It is not up to us humans to judge people only God can do that. Next time you come across a holier than thou Christian try to remember that not everyone is like that. Christians are taught to judge no one, minister to all. And that no one is better than another and we as Christians shouldn't act like that.

Jun 24, 2008

Forgive Them

Sometimes we find it hard to forgive someone ourselves, and we don't even think about asking God to forgive them. Many times when someone hurts us our first response is to somehow get revenge on them. We try to get back at the people who hurt us. Jesus teaches us to forgive those who hurt us, but that is probably one of the hardest things for us to do. I think at times people think that when they forgive a person, they forgive the action, which isn't the case.

The greatest example of forgiveness is in Jesus. While hanging on the cross He did not ask God to punish those who beat Him, mocked Him and hung Him on a cross. Although He could have; but He didn't. What He said was "Forgive them: they know not what they do" Jesus asked God to forgive those who intentionally hurt Him! He knew they didn't know what they were truly doing. Many times people who hurt us don't fully know how much they hurt us, or don't understand they full effect their actions could have. We not only need to forgive them ourselves but ask God to forgive them.

When Jesus asked for forgiveness to those who harmed Him, he showed the utmost example of God's love for people. He asked for God to forgive them; He didn't want to get back at them and we shouldn't want that either. We shouldn't be trying to get back at someone for hurting us, nor should we hold grudges. Do you think Jesus held a grudge towards Judas for betraying Him, or the men who beat Him, and mocked Him? No of course not. Jesus would never hold a grudge yet we do all the time, but why? Does holding a grudge harm the other person; no way. It only hurts you.

Forgive the person, not the action. Don't try to hold a grudge. If Jesus was able to ask God to forgive those who harmed Him we can surely forgive those who harm us.

Jun 23, 2008

Moral Inventory

In Sunday school we are taking an in depth look at the spiritual side of the twelve step program. We are on step four where you take a fearless inventory of yourself. When we are taking steps to coming closer to God, we do need to do an inventory of ourselves and do what we can to change thing. We need to look at ourselves and look deep and hard at ourselves and be willing to admit things: the good and the bad. That is what fearless is: admitting your wrongs and faults, because guess what no one is perfect! So in spirit of taking a moral inventory I am doing it myself and displaying it here for all to see. Yes i have fears about it, but I need to get over that and give it to God.

1. I sometimes don't have compassion for others
2. I don't read my Bible or pray as often as I should
3. I get mad at God sometimes
4. I find it hard to witness to others
5. I struggle to stay on balance with depressive thoughts
6. When I get stressed or upset I crave a drink, and sometimes I do have a drink or two.
7. There are times when I get discouraged.
8. In the past I have cheated on exes, though now I could never dream of it
9. I have a hard time forgiving certain people who have hurt me
10. Sometimes I feel hopeless and ashamed of myself for no reason
11. When I was younger I stole things
12. There are situations where I gossip

There are more, but you get the general idea of taking a moral inventory of yourself and revealing maybe to yourself or to someone you trust the things that you may not like about yourself or that needs to be changed. As you can see I am not perfect and those are things I can be ashamed of and haven't wanted to admit to others, but in the idea of taking steps needed to get closer to God it is needed to admit them and come to terms with them, then laying them at Christ's feet.

Have you taken an inventory of yourself? What are things you think need to be changed, things you may not want others to know, but need to admit to yourself so that you could become closer to God? And maybe rid yourself of some things. Make a list for yourself: then pray on them.

Jun 19, 2008

Dress Code

I know there are many different people who don't come to church because they feel they need to dress a certain way. They think they need to dress in their best clothes in order to come to church, but that is not the case. There is no where in the Bible that says one needs to dress a certain way in order to come before God. There is a song that says "Come just as you are before your God". God doesn't care what we wear when we come to worship him, just that we worship him.

Do we get dressed in our finest to read the Bible at home, or sing songs of praise while walking down the street? No, of course not. If it was that we needed to dress a certain way to come to church then we should dress that way in all aspects of serving and honoring God right? If we think we need to dress up for church then we need to dress up to read the Bible and what not in our own homes. Being in God's presence does not have a dress code or anything of the sort.

We don't personally worship God in our Sunday best, so why do we need to attend church in such a way?

Jun 17, 2008


Todd and I have been going through the Purpose Driven Life together. I think it is a wonderful way to grow closer to each other and God as well. But that isn't what I was going to write about today. In chapter 10 of the book Rick Warren talks about surrendering your life to God. My Pastor: Rev. Paul Mitchell, also gave a wonderful lesson in Sunday school and a great sermon yesterday on surrendering your life over to God.

We all know we need to lay everything down at Jesus' feet, but at the same time surrendering everything can be difficult for us sometimes because we still want to control everything. If we say we give it to Christ and still try to control things, then we haven't surrendered our lives over. Romans 6:13 tells us "Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes" There are many other scriptures that talk about surrendering your mind, body, and soul to Christ.

When we surrender our lives to God we admit that we are powerless and God is all powerful. We give him control over our lives and does his will for us rather than us trying to do everything. Granted when we surrender our lives it doesn't mean that the walk will be smooth sailing; it will be rocky and hard, because when we surrender all we become a bigger threat to Satan. When we surrender it all to God, some things become easier such as praying, reading the word and most importantly living our lives for God.

Jun 13, 2008


Sometimes our fears can rule our lives. We fear the unknown in life. And sometimes our fears with life takes our focus away from God. We can't seem to focus right or think right. We have a hard time keeping our mind on God because our thoughts are so plagued with our fears and worries to the point where sometimes it can literally kill us. But we can't let depression and fear get to that point, and I know it's hard. I've been there and I know people who have been there and pulled back to being strong and grounded with God.

Different things that occur in our lives can trigger fears like major surgery or major illness like cancer. After something like that your world can be sent into total darkness that you cannot see your own way out. It's at those times that we need to rely not only on the people in our lives but reach out to God, call our: nay cry out to God. You may feel so far away from him, but at the same time this could be the time when you are so close to him. The people around us: our friends, church family, family can help us see that God is there by praying with us, fasting with us, read the bible and discuss it with us and so much more. The people around us could be the best thing to happen to us when we need uplifting.

We cannot let our fears get the best of us. We need to tell them to begone and that they have no power over us because we belong to Jesus. I know that can be hard, but I think after we say it enough and put all the faith we have in it our fears will get smaller and our faith in God will get stronger.

Jun 12, 2008


Too often when something bad happens our minds go to the worst possible thing that could happen. It's just human nature. We always expect the worst and really don't see the good that could be there. When doctors explain risks of an operation it seems like all we can focus on are the risks. I know I have done that not only when I had cancer, but through Todd's operation. Many times we sit there and think "what did I do wrong" or that God is mad at us.

In the story of Job, Job's wife tells Job to just lay down and die, while his friends tell him that he must have sinned really bad and made God really mad at him for him to have lost his family and have an illness. When in reality Job did nothing wrong and many times when we are going through our hardships we didn't do anything to make God mad at us or that we deserve the hardships while others deserve happiness. Everyone has to struggle at some point in their lives. It's a matter of how we deal with the hardships that make a difference.

Too often people turn away from God, or blame God for their hardships. We need to praise God, and lean on him for strength to make it through the trials and tribulations. God is there to carry us through, the poem Footprints in the sand tells us that God is there carrying us through the hardships even if we don't feel him there. We need to be in prayer, reading the word, and fellowship with other Christians. What other hope do we have other than our faith?

Jun 11, 2008


Going to church can be a touchy subject for many people. Some make excuses like my child is too young and would disturb the service (I got that one), I have other things to do, and the most popular I have heard has been: "I can worship God in my house, or under a tree just as well as I would in church." But what I have also found is the people that say the last one, don't worship God under a tree or at home, they don't at all. It's just an excuse in my book.

Church is the same as fellowship. Yes we can worship God in our homes or in nature as Emerson and Thoreau felt, but how can we grow if we don't fellowship with others and learn from pastors and ministers? How can you grow if you don't pray with others or discuss the word? As you read all you learn is what YOU get out of it. Other people could get something else out of the scripture and shed a new light on what is written. When we go to church we learn more than what we thought we learned. We learn how to apply what we've read to life. Not to mention the prayer support you have within a church family.

And yes church members can become like family: I view my church: River Of Life Christian Fellowship as my second family. It has become my second home. I feel so at home within the church and that's how it should be. Church shouldn't be uncomfortable or make you feel like you don't belong. We are known as the church of the misfits because well...we are! Church should be fun and Pastor Paul and Pastor Marvin make services and Bible study so much fun.

If you are busy on Sunday to make the service for some reason, then you should check into Bible Studies and other small groups like a ladies group, a recovery group, or a support group. There is always something a church can offer, don't rule it out right off the bat.

Jun 10, 2008

Answered Prayer

Yesterday I talked a lot about having faith in your prayers. We do need to have faith in our prayers even when they are not answered the way we want them to be, or if they aren't answered at all. Sometimes our prayers are not going to be answered because God has something else planned. I know people who pray to be with a person they have feelings for, I admit I've done it in the past, but that certain person is not always the person we are meant to be with so hence, prayers are unanswered. The best prayer in finding love is to pray to meet the one God has in store for us; and have faith God will lead us to that person.

I think prayers are answered when we pray for things that go with God's plan, as well as show that we don't have our own selfish desires as the mainstay for why we are praying. Simply because we are praying for something doesn't mean that it will happen. The Bible does say: ask and ye shall receive, but it also says: seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven. When we first seek out God and living for Him and serving him is when we know how to pray effective prayers. We don't want our prayers to be selfish and demanding.

When prayers are answered we need to praise God, but we also need to praise him for the unanswered ones because it goes with him plan, and later in life something better will come than what we wanted. Garth Brooks had it right when he sang "I thank God for unanswered prayers." I thank God for all the unanswered prayers of a selfish youth, I understand now why many of them were unanswered while others were answered. I thank God also for all the unanswered prayers that lead me to being the woman that I am today. It isn't just the answered prayers that build our faith, but the unanswered ones.

Jun 9, 2008


So many times we go through things that seem unbearable. It seems the only thing we can think of is the worse case scenario whatever it may be; it's like that's the only thing our minds can grasp, but when we have faith in something like God then whatever we are dealing with doesn't seem so unbearable. We have someone to talk to even if many times he doesn't answer, though with God when we speak to him we get a sense of peace. God isn't a mean God, he's a loving and merciful God. The Bible even tells us he doesn't give us more than we can bear. That's because when we deal with all our hardships in life, we need to lean on him for strength and guidance. If we don't have God to lean on then who can we lean on at all times?

I have spent the past week praying, crying out to God, and each time he gives me a sense of peace and the feeling that everything will be okay, and I have faith that they will be. Life sends us things that will always feel scary and frightening. But it's then that we need to praise God, we cannot abandon him thinking he is mad at us or we get mad at him. On the same aspect when things get better we still need to pray, praise, and spent time in the word. Just because God saw us through a hardship doesn't mean we can just walk away until something bad happens again. Why do we do that? Why is that when something bad happens we either cling to God and then leave when all is well again, or we blame him and get angry and still walk away? Why do we find it so hard to just call on him for help and strength to get through the hardships and then praise his name and give him glory through all we do the rest of the time?

It just doesn't make sense does it? So many of us say "I believe in God", yet when hardship happens says he doesn't exist or pray for help and strength, but not have faith that he will do what is needed. Todd has been in the hospital this past week with heart difficulties. I prayed for healing the night before he was admitted. In a way my prayer was answered. God lead him to the hospital that would best take care of him and find the problem and fix it. God always answers prayers and we need to have faith that he will. Many times our prayers aren't answered the way we want them to be, but the way God wants them to be. I wanted God to just heal Todd's heart, but thats not what God had planned. There is a reason why Todd had to be in the hospital for a week and go through the different things he did. Maybe it's a way to lead him to a ministry of some sort: a way to help others in the same situation. Whatever it is only God knows and someday maybe not now we will find out why, but we need to have faith that God knows what is best. But like I said, God answered a prayer by leading Todd to the best hospital in Pittsburgh.

I praise God for the things he has granted both of us, and I have faith that God will see Todd through this hardship and make him well as James 5:15 said (
prayers offered in faith will heal the sick: the Lord will make them well.) I have no doubt in the Lord my God. Why should we doubt his awesome power? I know this is a lengthy post, but it's something that has been on my mind. We need to start praising God at all times and have faith in him, and pray to him, not just when we need something from him. That's not the way to have a loving, lasting relationship with someone. You wouldn't want people to only come to you when they want something, so why do it to God?

Jun 3, 2008


We all have things that we deal with on a daily basis. Some of the things we deal with are difficult to deal with. I struggled with cancer as does many others, Todd has heart difficulties and is in the hospital right now (prayers would be appreciated), others deal with AIDs, STD's, mental disorders, and other disabilities. No matter who you are there is something that brings you pain.

The Bible tells us the prayers offered in faith can heal the sick. In fact James 5:15 says "And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven." We need to be in constant prayer and believe that our prayers will be answered. We need to believe that God will heal those we love. When offering prayers for Todd, I offer them in faith that God will heal him and take care of the heart difficulties and other problems he may be having. Granted it's scary and I am worried to no end, but I have faith that God will take care of him. That's how we need to pray, to have faith that God has the power to take away any ailments we may have.

The Lord will anyone we pray for well again and forgive their sins. Or prayers need to be offered in faith, or else what good will they be? If we don't have faith that God will cure our illness then what is the point of praying? Have faith, walk by faith and God will take care of the rest.

Jun 2, 2008

Strength and Shield

I was planning on writing a post on something different, but what I am going to write about today has been on my mind all weekend. Sometimes when we deal with different things in our lives, we try to solve things on our own. We try to find the answers on our own and we don't try to look to God for the strength, and answers we think we need.

There is a song that has been on my mind all weekend: AS THE DEER. In the song the chorus says: "You alone are my strength, my shield to you alone may my spirit yield." The song of course is about God. As deer pant for water and long for something to quench their thirst, our spirits long for God. God is our strength, shield, tower of refuge. When we are dealing with something so hard and what seems unbearable we need to rely on God instead of our own devises.

Honestly what good does that do? Where does relying on our own devises lead us? Does it help? No. The only thing that helps us through our hardships and heartache is our faith in God. Without that how can we make it through? We need to rely on our faith and pray to God for help or cry out to him. I've cried out in pain and anguish all throughout the cancer, and I cried out to him for someone I love dearly. We struggle throughout life all the time, it's all a part of life. The main part is how we deal with that pain, the biggest thing we need to do is realize that God is our strength, shield, and refuge.

Rely on God, you'd be surprised at the things that could happen.

As The Deer - Click here for funny video clips