Jun 9, 2008


So many times we go through things that seem unbearable. It seems the only thing we can think of is the worse case scenario whatever it may be; it's like that's the only thing our minds can grasp, but when we have faith in something like God then whatever we are dealing with doesn't seem so unbearable. We have someone to talk to even if many times he doesn't answer, though with God when we speak to him we get a sense of peace. God isn't a mean God, he's a loving and merciful God. The Bible even tells us he doesn't give us more than we can bear. That's because when we deal with all our hardships in life, we need to lean on him for strength and guidance. If we don't have God to lean on then who can we lean on at all times?

I have spent the past week praying, crying out to God, and each time he gives me a sense of peace and the feeling that everything will be okay, and I have faith that they will be. Life sends us things that will always feel scary and frightening. But it's then that we need to praise God, we cannot abandon him thinking he is mad at us or we get mad at him. On the same aspect when things get better we still need to pray, praise, and spent time in the word. Just because God saw us through a hardship doesn't mean we can just walk away until something bad happens again. Why do we do that? Why is that when something bad happens we either cling to God and then leave when all is well again, or we blame him and get angry and still walk away? Why do we find it so hard to just call on him for help and strength to get through the hardships and then praise his name and give him glory through all we do the rest of the time?

It just doesn't make sense does it? So many of us say "I believe in God", yet when hardship happens says he doesn't exist or pray for help and strength, but not have faith that he will do what is needed. Todd has been in the hospital this past week with heart difficulties. I prayed for healing the night before he was admitted. In a way my prayer was answered. God lead him to the hospital that would best take care of him and find the problem and fix it. God always answers prayers and we need to have faith that he will. Many times our prayers aren't answered the way we want them to be, but the way God wants them to be. I wanted God to just heal Todd's heart, but thats not what God had planned. There is a reason why Todd had to be in the hospital for a week and go through the different things he did. Maybe it's a way to lead him to a ministry of some sort: a way to help others in the same situation. Whatever it is only God knows and someday maybe not now we will find out why, but we need to have faith that God knows what is best. But like I said, God answered a prayer by leading Todd to the best hospital in Pittsburgh.

I praise God for the things he has granted both of us, and I have faith that God will see Todd through this hardship and make him well as James 5:15 said (
prayers offered in faith will heal the sick: the Lord will make them well.) I have no doubt in the Lord my God. Why should we doubt his awesome power? I know this is a lengthy post, but it's something that has been on my mind. We need to start praising God at all times and have faith in him, and pray to him, not just when we need something from him. That's not the way to have a loving, lasting relationship with someone. You wouldn't want people to only come to you when they want something, so why do it to God?

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