Jun 11, 2008


Going to church can be a touchy subject for many people. Some make excuses like my child is too young and would disturb the service (I got that one), I have other things to do, and the most popular I have heard has been: "I can worship God in my house, or under a tree just as well as I would in church." But what I have also found is the people that say the last one, don't worship God under a tree or at home, they don't at all. It's just an excuse in my book.

Church is the same as fellowship. Yes we can worship God in our homes or in nature as Emerson and Thoreau felt, but how can we grow if we don't fellowship with others and learn from pastors and ministers? How can you grow if you don't pray with others or discuss the word? As you read all you learn is what YOU get out of it. Other people could get something else out of the scripture and shed a new light on what is written. When we go to church we learn more than what we thought we learned. We learn how to apply what we've read to life. Not to mention the prayer support you have within a church family.

And yes church members can become like family: I view my church: River Of Life Christian Fellowship as my second family. It has become my second home. I feel so at home within the church and that's how it should be. Church shouldn't be uncomfortable or make you feel like you don't belong. We are known as the church of the misfits because well...we are! Church should be fun and Pastor Paul and Pastor Marvin make services and Bible study so much fun.

If you are busy on Sunday to make the service for some reason, then you should check into Bible Studies and other small groups like a ladies group, a recovery group, or a support group. There is always something a church can offer, don't rule it out right off the bat.

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