Jun 23, 2008

Moral Inventory

In Sunday school we are taking an in depth look at the spiritual side of the twelve step program. We are on step four where you take a fearless inventory of yourself. When we are taking steps to coming closer to God, we do need to do an inventory of ourselves and do what we can to change thing. We need to look at ourselves and look deep and hard at ourselves and be willing to admit things: the good and the bad. That is what fearless is: admitting your wrongs and faults, because guess what no one is perfect! So in spirit of taking a moral inventory I am doing it myself and displaying it here for all to see. Yes i have fears about it, but I need to get over that and give it to God.

1. I sometimes don't have compassion for others
2. I don't read my Bible or pray as often as I should
3. I get mad at God sometimes
4. I find it hard to witness to others
5. I struggle to stay on balance with depressive thoughts
6. When I get stressed or upset I crave a drink, and sometimes I do have a drink or two.
7. There are times when I get discouraged.
8. In the past I have cheated on exes, though now I could never dream of it
9. I have a hard time forgiving certain people who have hurt me
10. Sometimes I feel hopeless and ashamed of myself for no reason
11. When I was younger I stole things
12. There are situations where I gossip

There are more, but you get the general idea of taking a moral inventory of yourself and revealing maybe to yourself or to someone you trust the things that you may not like about yourself or that needs to be changed. As you can see I am not perfect and those are things I can be ashamed of and haven't wanted to admit to others, but in the idea of taking steps needed to get closer to God it is needed to admit them and come to terms with them, then laying them at Christ's feet.

Have you taken an inventory of yourself? What are things you think need to be changed, things you may not want others to know, but need to admit to yourself so that you could become closer to God? And maybe rid yourself of some things. Make a list for yourself: then pray on them.

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