Mar 3, 2012

Thanks To Daddy

Lately I have been really thinking about things I am thankful and there are so many things that I tend to take for granted. People I take for granted and sometimes I think I need to just stop and acknowledge that I am thankful for them. I heard a song the other day on Pandora called "He Didn't Have To Be" and the gist of it was about a man who took on the role of being a father to a child who was not his. He became a dad when he didn't have to be. That song made me think of my dad. Some people know that he is not my biological father, but regardless of whose genetics I have; he is my father. Daddy married my mom when my brother and I were entering our teen years, so if you can picture two teen kids who didn't get along. What man would want to take that on? My dad did and he loves us as his own. In my opinion he has always been my dad, we just didn't know it at the time.

This man has been there for every heartache, every crisis no matter how big or how small. When I was diagnosed with cancer he would come home from work and take me to my treatments. He wanted to take me to all my treatments because that was his way of helping me get better when they both felt helpless. When I had my heart broken and didn't have someone for Valentine's Day, he would buy me a rose and tell me any guy would be lucky to have me and the guys who hurt me were just foolish. He is proud of the job I have that he tells everyone he meets that his daughter works with kids. He looks forward to walking down the isle and our daddy daughter dance. This man knows everything about me from who my best friend is and my favorite color to all my fears and weakness. The man I call my Dad is a man who was strong enough and kind enough to become a father he didn't have to be.

I honestly feel blessed and thank God everyday for the man I call my Dad. I am proud to say he is my daddy and smile everytime someone says I look like him. Although my genetics aren't his nor is my last name, but in my heart which is all that matters I am the daughter of Wayne Sutch and I couldn't be happier. Thank you for everything and being the dad you didn't have to be.

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