Mar 20, 2012

Happy thoughts

One of the things I am working on with my client is coping skills for bring frustration and anger.  What we are doing is showing him a stop sign to help to stop and think of things that make him happy.   In the process I tell him some of my happy thoughts.

Sitting there talking about things that make him happy, makes me really think of tge things that make me happy on a daily basis.  While I am doing this I think hard on those things like Falcor laying his head on my lap anc meowing for me to pet him.  Its small but it really makes me smile.  I think about being able to come home to someone I love and see his smiling face.

When I spent this time, about 15 minutes I feel better.  I feel happier, even if my day was sheer crappiness.  I think that spending time everyday really thinking about something that makess me happy helps improve my line of thought.  It makes me focus on happier thoughts, even after I leave my clients.

Maybe I should make it a habit to focus on things that makd me happy more often, then maybe just maybe I could be free of this depression stuff.

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