Apr 6, 2012


The past week or so I have been doing a lot of thinking about my future in various forms.  Mainly though it has been where I will spend the rest of my life.  Do I really want to stay in Pittsburgh, or is somewhere else calling my name.   I have been considering living on the island.

There are a lot of factors that go into the decision to move here or stay in Pittsburgh.  Right now all Pittsburgh has that is drawing me is my friends and family.  I know I am more stressed out in the city, there is a simpler way if life down on the island, more relaxed and as I said simplified.  Sure there arw concerns like the hurricanes.  But it alnost becomes a way if life.

I know tom and I are both happier.  Once we got here for the weekend the way we look at each is different, there is more love.  We actually fell asleep cuddling last night.   I wonder if living here would not only change our lives but our relationship.   The more I think of it, the more I want to move here permanently.  Ive been told it would easy for me to find a good job,  possibly even as special ed teacher.

Im going to look into jobs around here just at the possibilities.  And of course discuss with Tom, but we shall see.

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