Apr 11, 2011

Being Cast Down

Last week I talked with another sub and the subject turned to faith. We talked about being cast down and what that meant. Being cast down is commonly thought of as being cast into Hell, but it isn't. When we try to understand the Bible we need to keep in mind the time period and culture the Bible was written in. During that time what was the most common profession? Being a shepherd. Many times the sheep would get cast upon their back and need to be lifted up by the shepherd. Hence being cast down.

When the Bible talks about being cast down it doesn't mean being cast into Hell, but being on our back and needing the help of our "shepherd" God, to take his hook and pull us out and place us back on our feet. There are times when we hit a rough patch, rocks in our path, and we stumble and fall on our backs and need God to lift us back up. Does that mean we are instantly cast into Hell? Didn't shepherds leave the flock to find just 1 lost sheep? To help 1 sheep who was cast upon his back, or did they just leave the sheep to perish? They tended to that one sheep, the helped them and lifted them up, and that's what God does for us as well. God doesn't leave us behind He pulls out his special God Shepherd's hook and lifts us up (yea its all gold and sprakly cause you know God likes sparkles). I think a lot of the times we don't realize that God is there to pick us back up, and we just continue to lie on our backs not making a sound. When a sheep is cast down it baas it is loud and noisy, yet we remain silent, we don't cry out to our shepherd. Why is that?

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