Dec 10, 2009


I just got off the phone with one of the greatest people I know.  The entire time we talked we laughed hysterically.  I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.  It has been awhile since I had gotten the chance to really talk to Cheryl and it was so good to talk to her again.  We have the same sense of humor and find the same things funny, we can take things and run with it the most extreme, and sometimes take it to the most wrongest of levels.

Sometimes you need that kind of a friend who you can get into trouble with so to speak, somewhat of a partner in crime.  Since the day we met Cheryl and I have said we would be partners in crime.  While we have fun with each other and laugh about a lot  of things in life; we can also be serious and talk about many different things in life, no matter what they are relationships, jobs, sex, anything.  But isn’t that part of what makes a friendship meaningful?  Isn’t that what makes friendships one of the greatest treasures in the world?  I admit I don’t talk to her as much as I would like and I am making a promise to myself that is going to change, as it is with many of my other friends.  Even though Cheryl and I have not met in person I still love her as if we had known each other for years.

What is it that brings two people together as friends the way Cheryl and I are friends, or the way Donya and I are friends which are two different ways.  What makes some people friends and others…acquaintances, or not even friends at all? 

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