Dec 17, 2009

Childlike Innocence

The other night I was on the phone with Casey, and his daughter wanted to talk to me.  While on the phone she asked me where was my house; so I told her Pennsylvania: i could hear her telling Casey what I said that in itself was cute and so innocent.  But what made my day and made me honestly think of childlike innocence was when I asked her where was her house….her response was so innocent, so quick not a second thought…..”right here”  That makes perfect sense doesn’t it?  Where is your house….right here. 

Her answer was just so innocent and made me remember what really matters in life, the simple things and that includes the innocent, simplistic answers that kids come up with.  Why is it that we adults don’t think like that anymore?  Why do we feel the need to sit down and analyze everything we are asked and analyze every decision we have to make?  Why can’t things be as simple as they are for children?  Why can’t we see things as simple and worry-free or unconditional as a child like Dai does.

Children have such innocent thinking that somehow escapes us when we become adults.  When is it that that kind of innocence leaves us?  All three times that I have talked to Dai on the phone she has said or done something that reminds me why I love children and how much they can teach us.  She has tried to show me something through the phone not realizing I couldn’t see it, today she told me her shoes were blue.  All three times she has asked me to come over, again not realizing that I am not as close as she may thin.

Dec 11, 2009

Perception is Reality

The other day I posted something about what is real and what we perceive as reality.  How do we know what is reality for us is reality for someone else?  Is my reality the same as say Terry’s reality, or Carrie’s or Jeremy’s?  Or are they something different?  And if they are something different how do we know what is real in life?  How does that line not get blurred in the mix of friends with people and interacting with them daily?

If people have different realities that we perceive and interact in, wouldn’t that mean our own reality gets mixed with theirs and becomes something new?  What we perceive is different on a daily basis, or at least it becomes different at some point in our lives, and when that happens how do we know that it is real or not?  Who is to say what is real, if what we perceive is real?  The way I see things is different from how someone else would view it, would that make what I perceive less real, or what they perceive is less real?

How can we say some people with mental health issues or behavioral health issues have a distorted view of reality?  How can do know? What if we are the ones with a distorted view of reality?  Or even what if everyone has a distorted view of reality; kinda like a Matrix kind of thing?  Then how can anyone really know what reality is and therefore know what is real and what isn’t?

Dec 10, 2009


I just got off the phone with one of the greatest people I know.  The entire time we talked we laughed hysterically.  I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.  It has been awhile since I had gotten the chance to really talk to Cheryl and it was so good to talk to her again.  We have the same sense of humor and find the same things funny, we can take things and run with it the most extreme, and sometimes take it to the most wrongest of levels.

Sometimes you need that kind of a friend who you can get into trouble with so to speak, somewhat of a partner in crime.  Since the day we met Cheryl and I have said we would be partners in crime.  While we have fun with each other and laugh about a lot  of things in life; we can also be serious and talk about many different things in life, no matter what they are relationships, jobs, sex, anything.  But isn’t that part of what makes a friendship meaningful?  Isn’t that what makes friendships one of the greatest treasures in the world?  I admit I don’t talk to her as much as I would like and I am making a promise to myself that is going to change, as it is with many of my other friends.  Even though Cheryl and I have not met in person I still love her as if we had known each other for years.

What is it that brings two people together as friends the way Cheryl and I are friends, or the way Donya and I are friends which are two different ways.  What makes some people friends and others…acquaintances, or not even friends at all? 

Dec 9, 2009


The choices we make play a part into our future.  They make a different in what happens and where our lives go.  Everything that happens is effect by what we decide.  For example my life would be completely different if I had gone to Myrtle Beach in the spring like I wanted.  I don’t really know where I would be.  And I am presented with the same option again.  But do I go, or do I stay.  I know that decision will effect everything from here on out.

Sometimes our decisions work for the good in our lives and other times they work for the bad.  We decide where our lives head, which path they take.   Our choices are exactly that our choices and we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for what happens as the result of them. If I spend all my money on say shoes, clothes or whatever I cannot complain if I cant pay my bills because I made that choice.

No one else makes our choices,we try to blame other people for things in our lives, we don’t always want to take responsibility for our choices and therefore our actions.  But how does that make anything better?  How does not taking responsibility for our choices and actions help us make better choices and therefore live our lives better?