Jul 27, 2009

Delightful Unexpections

This year's camp taught me some things, but then again last year's camp did as well. This year I got the chance to sit in on some of the senior camp's chapel services and the talent show. I didn't know what to expect for a group of teenagers. Some I knew have faith, others I wasn't too sure of what to expect. When worship started and they began to sing, something marvelous happened. These teens either got up in front of their peers to sing and dance with the worship team, or raised their hands to praise God as you see in the picture. I don't know why I didn't expect it, but I didn't and it really moved me to see that many teens willing to praise God like that, willing to show their faith as if it was the only thing that was important to them.

I think too often teens are dubbed as "good for nothing," "troublesome," or as if they are up to no good, but sitting in on these opportunities shows that teens have things they put value in. Important things like God and not their phones or ipods like so many people are quick to think they value most. The kids feel at ease at camp to be able to show their faith and not worry what their friends would think because their friends believe in God as well and are right there next to them praising God. It is always a moving and powerful thing to see teenagers praising God and eager to learn more about him.

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