Jul 28, 2009

Be As One

One of the themes for camp this year as Be On Guard and working together as a team, being one with each other and one with God. Every morning at 0800 hours the teens got up and did PT under the direction of Sergent Franks, one of the men from my church who is in the military. On the first day they didn't really work as one, and when they shouted "BE ON GUARD" after they were called to attention, it was like 40 or so different voices, but by weeks end they were of one voice, one body, one group.

Throughout the week the teens worked together in PT, kitchen duty, ground patrol, bathroom duty and other things. They worked together. Sure there were disputes, but with 60 some teens of course there will be a small amount of drama. But they learned how to work together as a team and help each other in their weak points. At one point the week, two young men had to "owe" the company 100 push ups for one reason or another. As the boys got tired, Serg. asked if anyone would like to give their teammate push ups...one by one teens stood up to help their buddy out. They really came together to help one another as a team.

That was the Senior Camp...we saw this teamwork for God in the jr. camp as well. When the younger kids were asked who can help them stay on their path with God, many said parents teachers, pastors. One little boy: Christian raised his hand and simply said "Sean" his friend sitting next to him. A boy of 7 knew that his friends would be someone who could help him stay on track with his faith...7! These kids no matter how old or how young knew they need their friends to help them with their faith. It really made me think and look at my friendships: do I give my friends' support in their faith, do they give me support? Made me see that there are some things in my life that I need to change.

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