Jul 29, 2009

Books Of History

Recently I finished reading a series by one of my favorite Christian authors: Ted Dekker called the Paradise series. The storyline follows a project called Project Showdown. It was a project to see if 36 orphans who lived and educated in a monastary away from the world could have the faith "to move mountains" or if evil would creep in somehow and have an effect on them. Basically they wanted to see if they could make perfect children with faith that could do anything possible. Well under the monastary were books called the Books of History where when innocent minds wrote in them, whatever was written happened. In the first book Showdown you get the story of Project Showdown and how Marsevues (sp) Black came to be. You learn about the characters and Paradise itself. It was a thrilling story that captivated me...then Saint follows one of the survivors: Johnny who becomes somewhat of a sleeper agent. Then the last is Sinner when the other two survivors unite and learn about themselves and with Johnny defeat Black who was basically evil incarnate.

I mention this series because it really got me thinking. The Bible says we have the faith to move mountains...faith even as small as a mustard seed could have that kind of power. The mountains in my mind are always metphorical: mountains being the trials in life. The characters in Ted Dekker's books come face to face with evil itself and hold on to their faith. I wonder how many people would be able to stand in the face of evil and not give up on their faith. How many people would fall to their knees and pray instead of giving in or running away? Better yet if something like the Books of History really existed and hatever was written by an innocent mind, would it happen and what would someone write in it? I like to think when I am face to face with evil itself that I would be able to stand up and satnd firm in my faith. I would hope I would have the strength to say Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light and not let anyone sway me no matter what.

When it comes to faith we need to be strong in our faith, strong in knowing that what Jesus taught 2000 years ago was the truth and not some teachings of a false prophet that many people try to make him out to be. We need to cling to our faith in the face of evil instead of allowing it to darken our souls and devour us whole. That is the point of evil, that is what it wants to do. Satan and his demons are meant to kill, steal and destory, but when we cling to our faith and hold on to what we know as truth, we wouldn't be able to be killed, stolen or destoryed.

What would you do in the face of evil would you be able to stand up to it the way Johnny, Billy and Darcy did in the novels or would you waver and run away? Would you strive for the faith that moves mountains or allow the mountain to crumble you?

Jul 28, 2009

Be As One

One of the themes for camp this year as Be On Guard and working together as a team, being one with each other and one with God. Every morning at 0800 hours the teens got up and did PT under the direction of Sergent Franks, one of the men from my church who is in the military. On the first day they didn't really work as one, and when they shouted "BE ON GUARD" after they were called to attention, it was like 40 or so different voices, but by weeks end they were of one voice, one body, one group.

Throughout the week the teens worked together in PT, kitchen duty, ground patrol, bathroom duty and other things. They worked together. Sure there were disputes, but with 60 some teens of course there will be a small amount of drama. But they learned how to work together as a team and help each other in their weak points. At one point the week, two young men had to "owe" the company 100 push ups for one reason or another. As the boys got tired, Serg. asked if anyone would like to give their teammate push ups...one by one teens stood up to help their buddy out. They really came together to help one another as a team.

That was the Senior Camp...we saw this teamwork for God in the jr. camp as well. When the younger kids were asked who can help them stay on their path with God, many said parents teachers, pastors. One little boy: Christian raised his hand and simply said "Sean" his friend sitting next to him. A boy of 7 knew that his friends would be someone who could help him stay on track with his faith...7! These kids no matter how old or how young knew they need their friends to help them with their faith. It really made me think and look at my friendships: do I give my friends' support in their faith, do they give me support? Made me see that there are some things in my life that I need to change.

Jul 27, 2009

Delightful Unexpections

This year's camp taught me some things, but then again last year's camp did as well. This year I got the chance to sit in on some of the senior camp's chapel services and the talent show. I didn't know what to expect for a group of teenagers. Some I knew have faith, others I wasn't too sure of what to expect. When worship started and they began to sing, something marvelous happened. These teens either got up in front of their peers to sing and dance with the worship team, or raised their hands to praise God as you see in the picture. I don't know why I didn't expect it, but I didn't and it really moved me to see that many teens willing to praise God like that, willing to show their faith as if it was the only thing that was important to them.

I think too often teens are dubbed as "good for nothing," "troublesome," or as if they are up to no good, but sitting in on these opportunities shows that teens have things they put value in. Important things like God and not their phones or ipods like so many people are quick to think they value most. The kids feel at ease at camp to be able to show their faith and not worry what their friends would think because their friends believe in God as well and are right there next to them praising God. It is always a moving and powerful thing to see teenagers praising God and eager to learn more about him.

Jul 25, 2009

Never Too Young.

It was that time again; time for YES Camp that my church does. This year was a little different for me because I had to work, so I went up on days that I could. I experienced both of the camps because I ran between both of them. I would help out for a few hours at the junior camp and then a few hours at the senior camp. There were many things that I was impressed with this year. One of the biggest things was that the Junior Camp was directed by a new person this year. Kathy leads our junior church so she took over when the former directors stepped down.

Kathy decided since it was a military theme that she would teach the junior campers about the armor of God and what it means to wear the armor of God. She used visual aids such as a helmet for the Helmet of Salvation. It has been said in the past that the kids are too young to hear about things like Salvation and fighting in God's army, but Kathy went in thinking differently. She even did alter calls so the kids could pray about things and ask for prayer for things. We had kids asking for prayer for their family and friends, for sick family members etc. But the most wonderful thing was the 6 of the 30 kids we had in Jr. Camp came to Christ that week.

The kids were so excited to learn about the armor of God and what it means to be in God's arm and "be on guard." They were eager to answer questions, and learn everything they could learn that week. I expect to see more kids in Jr. Camp next year, many said they couldn't wait until next year. This year's Jr. Camp goes to show that you are never too young to learn about Salvation, you are never too young to accept Christ into your life.