Apr 22, 2008


There is an entire book of the Bible dedicated to love and what a perfect love should be like. Song Of Solomon (or Song of Songs in some Bibles) is one of my favorite books. I have read so many times, and just love reading it more. It talks about the relationship between two people and how it should be like, how they should express love and act and react to one another.

The purpose of love and relationships aren't to get what you want, but to do what you can to please the other person even if it means sacrificing something of yourself. Compromise is so important in a relationship. Its a solution that makes both parties happy, other times relish in doing something the other wants...is that so bad to endulge in something your lover likes to do? Support...be supportive of one another. Song of Solomon says we should be a refuge place not a place of stress for someone we love. We should be the one person our true love can come to and depend on and trust for strength when they are weak.

Song of Solomon also address the subject of sex and intimacy. Solomon says "Promise me....not to awaken love until the time is right" (2:7). Love creates emotions a desires that are natural, but too often people are in a hurry to build a relationship and have a certain intimacy that takes time. We need to take the time to get to know someone to love them for who they are learn what it means to truly love another as God loves us. Love needs to grow before one turns to imtimacy which is way God designated something so imtimate as sex for marriage alone. We cannot force that level of inimacy or rush it...it needs to come naturally and slowly. Not at our pace like everything else in this world.

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