Apr 23, 2008


Yesterday I mentioned a little bit on Intimacy and what Song of Solomon said about it. After a discussion I had yesterday, I thought it would important to touch a little on it more today. There are more aspects to intimacy than a physical aspect of a relationship. There are different levels to intimacy: emotional, spiritual, intellectual.

Song of Solomon says don't rush. It takes time to develop a high level of intimacy on all those levels. Truest of love which is spoken about in the Biblical book. Is being satisfied on all levels. With Todd and I the desire for sexual intimacy is there, but because we have the intimacy on the emotional, spiritual and intellectual levels...it's not a need. We know because of he love we share something like is special, but we are so satisfied with each other on all other levels that we can easily wait and not rush it.

Its when people rush into sexual intimacy that the growth of intimacy ends. The focus of a relationship becomes sexual and nothing else. A Godly relationship looks to other things to grow closer. I honestly think Todd and I are closer through emotional, spiritual and intellectual intimacy than if we would be with sexual intimacy. Sexual intimacy too early in a relationship takes away from all others, it tends to become the center of a relationship. Without focus on it and on the other forms of intimacy we can grow closer to God, and isn't that what we aspire to in the first place?

Sexual intimacy was designed to be saved for marriage, for a time when you've reached the highest point of intimacy a couple can: being joined together to share life. For when a couple has already built a strong foundation of emotional, intellectual and spiritual intimacy.

Don't rush things. The beauty in all forms of intimacy is letting it grow and flourish in it's own time not your's. Allow intimacy in any form bloom when the time is right, focus on that, there is no need to think about sexual intimacy...that's not the focus of any relationship...God is and growing together in emotional, intellectual and spiritual intimacy allows us to also grow closer to God.

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