Apr 7, 2008

Child-like Innocence

This weekend I spent the day (Saturday) at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh. It was a day of fun because Saturday happened to be my one year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. But anyway..after leaving the planetarium, Todd wanted to look at the miniature railroad, I admit it was really cool. But at one point this little boy, he couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 years old. First he said hi, then he was asking where Thomas the Train Engine was. After a little while he started calling out to Thomas. It was so cute, but it got me thinking.

It didn't take much to excite this little boy. All he wanted was to see a little train and he was so excited when he finally got to see it. He didn't care that he didn't know me or anything he just started talk to me as if he did. He even tried to hold my hand (it was so cute!), but God tells us we need to have the innocence of children. Children are so innocent and have worry free minds. They don't see race or color or anything else. They view everyone as the same, which we are with a few differences to make the world a little more special.

Children don't find faults with every person that they meet. They see the good in everyone, and isn't that what we are supposed to do? We're not supposed to judge people, and yet as adults that seems to be all we ever do is judge someone for one reason or another. Children forgive each other so easily...just say "I'm sorry" and you're forgiven. Why can't adults do that? Why must we hold grudges for long periods of time?

It's time we look at young children like the little boy at the science center and view people without flaws, get excited over the little things God does, and be able to forgive easier than we normally do.

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