Aug 25, 2011

One Year

I was going to start this differently and do something completely different. But while I was driving into town today, I just sat there (driving) and thinking about this past year and the past relationships. No it wasn't a bad thing like it has in the past. i didn't rehash all the bad experiences I have had, but gave thanks for the good within my relationship with Tom. While I thought I began to cry from happiness. For once I am nearing the one year anniversary knowing the man beside me loves me despite my faults and short comings. He knows where I am weak and where I am strong and that doesn't make a difference. He doesn't see me for what he wants me to be, but for who I am.

I was never good enough, or "too good" for someone. Although sometimes I think the "too good" comment was a cop-out for the men who said it. I was never right for someone and I always thought it was a problem with me, that something was wrong with me. But now I see, it was the other way around, they weren't right for me. They always tried to make me into someone I wasn't or thought I was someone different, and when they realized who I am for the person I am...they couldn't handle it. But with Tom, everything is different. Even how we interact is different. It all....fits.

One year ago I went out on a date with this guy I was talking turned out to be the best date of my life, and in turn...became the best relationship. We had an amazing year together I am sure we will have more in the future.

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