Aug 30, 2011

Me, Me, Me

One of the questions at the end of chapter one for Purpose Driven Life asks: "In spite of advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?" After reading that question and the chapter which is about learning that life isn't mine persay, but a life for God.

Too often we are so self centered and want everything for ourselves. We think that everything revolves around our own wants and desires. Even before the hurricane hit Hatteras Island, people complained their vacations would be interrupted, what about the families on the island? What about those who would lose houses, businesses and more? But vacationers didn't worry about that, just that their vacations were being interrupted and plans destroyed. The point of is that we are too focused on the "me syndrome." Everything and sometimes everyone has to revolve around us and our needs. We don't often think of other people unless a big disaster happens or something like that.

Was there a time when humanity wasn't so centered on themselves? Did people ever honestly, truly care about the people around them? I would like to think so, I mean people used to help raise children like the saying "it takes a village to raise a child." If humanity did ever think about other people and not constantly themselves, is there a way we can become less self-centered?

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