Mar 6, 2010


Paolo Coelho has become probably my favorite author right now.  I am reading a collection of his short stories and there is one about weeding.  He starts off talking about his weapon and his prey and then the doubts he feels..what if the weed is just nature’s way of trying to survive and how can we call it a weed simply because we don’t want it in our gardens.  But what I want to talk about is what he said at the end of the story….When something unwanted, undesirable comes into my soul, I pray that God will mercilessly pluck it out.

I have thought about this statement ever since I read it a few days ago.  We all have things in our lives that are undesirable and need to be plucked out the way we do weeds, but sometimes we tend to be too afraid to pluck them out.  We come up with one reason or another to keep them there instead of saying just as Paolo said…God pluck it out any way you need to.  Do not have mercy on the weeds in my soul.  They are undesirable by you and I.  Take them pluck them, burn them with your purifying fire.

I know a lot of times people tend to point out what someone else is doing, the weeds in someone else’s soul.  I know a few people who have done that to me.  What we need to do is take an inventory of ourselves.  Look to ourselves and see our own weeds instead of that of other people.  I think we look over our weeds and are maybe even afraid to say we have anything that needs to be plucked out.  But it needs to be done, and it needs to be done on a daily basis.

Mar 5, 2010

Weekly Thanks

I really enjoy taking time each week to give thanks to God for the things He has granted me in my life and the past week. This week instead of doing general things I am thankful for, but I will do things this week that I am thankful for. God blesses us daily with things we take for granted and we need to spend more time giving thanks for those things.

Getting another case at work (I lost one case that was 15 hrs, but immediately I got another one for 15)
Bible Study; I learned so much in BIble study this week that I am always thankful for it
Sunny weather. I know that may sound silly, but it has been so cold and drab that the sun just brightens my day.
Progress in my clients. Each day I see improvements within each of my clients that it makes the bad days worth while.
Seeing old friends such as Pastor Dan at church or Rev. Lorrane Davis at the store.
Being able to hold back on my spending this week.
Needing to get my car fixed (Not having money but reling on God for strength)

There are so many different things to thank God for that has happened. Good things bad things and everything in between. My God is an awesome God and I think Him for everything in my life.