Sep 14, 2009

Dealing With Stress

Lately things at my job have become incredibly stressful, not so much with my client but with more so with my boss and the different things that she has put into place. It makes the work place more stressful, which we all end up taking home because really how easy is it to leave the stress of work there? It is hard to leave the stress of work at work. Then the stress of bills and other daily life things add to the work stress. Right now the muscles in my shoulders and neck hurt to no end because of all the stress. We all deal with stress in different ways like going out with friends, taking a nice hot bubble bath, getting a massage and other things. Many of us find the ability to turn to Christ in times of stress. I will be the first to admit, I do not always turn to God when I am stressed out.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phillipians 4:6-7) In an article on Crosswalk entitled God's Plan For Your Stress Relief it says that God designed prayer to be a stress reliever. But I know what some of you are thinking, sometimes prayer can cause more stress, what do you pray for, how do you pray, is it enough, does God hear your prayers and so many other things that could be running through your head.

That verse tells us that God gives us peace during our trials and tribulations and that includes the stress that we go through during life. God is there to help us through but how do we get that peace. Obviously through prayer, but like I said sometimes that can be so hard, yet so easy. I admit that there are times when I have such a hard time simply asking God to give me peace through my times of stressfulness and hardship with daily life. Sometimes I wonder if he really cares. I have talked with my pastor who has prayed for me which makes a small difference, but tht stress is still there. Maybe just maybe simply saying God give me peace through this, or give me strength will help. You never know...

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