Mar 26, 2008


I have been known to contemplate whether or not true love can exist. Or rather unconditional love. Is there such a thing as loving someone to the point where there is nothing you wouldn't do for said person or anything that would make you fall out of love with short of distrust like cheating?

We've all heard the fairy tales of some princess being rescued by some prince who instantly fell in love with her simply by seeing her. Does something like that really honestly exist? Do people fall in love at first sight or is it something that develops over time? Can we honestly see someone as simply perfect no matter how many flaws they have or in time do we get annoyed with those flaws to the point were the relationship is doomed?

I honestly wasn't sure of the answers to those questions until about a month ago. Last year I dealt with rough things. I was diagnosed with cancer, two of my favorite uncles passed away one from complications from a stroke and the other to cancer. A week after my beloved Uncle Larry died from cancer, I was told I was cancer free. That was a rough few months. Just before Christmas I prayed to God, asking him to make the new special and full of happiness.

About a month ago I met a wonderful man. I didn't expect to fall in love with him as soon as we met. We had talked for a few weeks on yahoo messanger as we met on myspace. We decided to meet in person and it was like magic. I felt like I was in a fairy tale. Honestly I couldn't ask for a better man. He is strong in his faith, strong in spirit and has dealt with some rough situations in his own life. We appreciate each other like nothing else and I cannot see myself not loving him as much as I do. I can't see anything that would make me not love him. I do know he has his flaws, but flaws are what makes up who he is, and I love him for them as well. I see him as perfect through h is flaws. Isn't that ultimately how God wants us to love each other?

I never thought someone could mean so much to me in such a short time as Todd means to me. I enjoy all of our discussions no matter how short or long they may be. I relish and appreciate anytime that I may have with him, for we are limited on time together. The respect he has not just me but those around him is astounding, I have never met a more respectful person. He is such a gentleman and does things in the traditional sense like I do.

I used to think that my standards for a partner were too high, but now I know they weren't. I was just looking for the perfect man for me, and honestly I have found him. Someone once told me to never settle, and I didn't and I am so happy that I never settled for less than what I deserve. Todd is everything I deserve and more. There are aspects of him that I needed that I didn't know I needed. God brought us together at the perfect time in both of our lives. I find myself always telling him that I love him because I can't say it enough.

Unconditional love does exist, you just need to not settle for anything less simply because you don't think it is possible. Everything that I have seen and dreamed of does exist and I know have. I will not take Todd or his love for granted, and I know anytime I look into his eyes all I will see is love. When he says he loves me I know it's honest and true. I have nothing to fear when it comes to him, and he has nothing to fear when it comes to me.

I asked God for happiness and I got happiness like I could never imagine.

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