May 31, 2012

Sun Swim

Next week one of the stores down here is doing a cancer event called Sun Swim, Athletes for Cancer and I volunteered to help out.  The coordinator Sensi asked me if I would be willing to give my story to the crowd that comes which of course I would be honored to do.  So I am sitting here at the bead shop thinking back, remembering and writing down things I want to say and honestly I don't know what to say.  How can you describe something to people that they don't experience?  How do you tell them about something that is different for every person?  I am finding that writing about my experience with cancer is one of the hardest things for me to do and I am not sure why.  I just cannot seem to put it all into words that I like how it sounds.  I think I am just going to say something along those lines.  That you cannot describe something to people like that but I will try and then tell them about the diagnosis and stuff.

May 23, 2012


We have been back to the island for about 4 or five days now, and it honestly feels like we have never left.  Today I was driving to a different village and it just felt like something I do every day.  The way of life is more relaxed and carefree.  I do miss a lot of people back home in Pittsburgh, but I feel more motivation and happiness here.  Back in Pittsburgh, sure I was happy, but at the same time I was miserable with stress and uncertainty.  Yes we still have bills while we are down here, sure we have stress due to various circumstances, but it isn't as bad or unbearable as it is in Pittsburgh.   We both thought about moving to Wilmington for various different reasons and I wonder if the feel there would be the same as Pittsburgh.  How does one know where they are meant to live and be happy?  Trial and error?

While I am here on the island surrounded by water, I feel as if I am where I need to be, or at least close.  I know I am happiest when I am near water, and sadly the three rivers aren't cutting it for me, I need something more.  Maybe that was why I was willing to move to California for Jacob even though I knew I wouldn't be happy, or to Myrtle Beach with Nate.  Maybe those desires have lead up to this point of me wanting something more from where I live, some where that I would be at my happiest and not just going through the motions of daily life.  Moving to a different city is a tough decision let alone moving to a different state.  It is a decision that would not only affect me, but also Tom.  One that should not be taken lightly or make without thinking it through.   It is something that could change our lives forever, with no going back.

Life here on the island is more simplistic in numerous different ways, and I wonder if it would be the same if we lived in Wilmington, if not would we be able to transfer the simplicity to life in the city, wherever that city may be.  We will see what time will tell.  But I am loving life right now.

May 16, 2012

Love Is Patient

I bought the Love Dare today and decided that I am going to go yesterday and do the dares that are in it.  It is supposed to be an aid to help couples love each other better and follow what 1 Corinthians says about love.  I am at Day 1 for the dares and so far it already has me thinking about somethings.  Today's dare is to not say anything negative. As I read the dare I couldn't help but wonder how often do we simply say something negative to the one we love.   When we work to not say anything negative we work to say something positive and therefore the love in our hearts will be reflected.  We have a choice to be positive instead of negative.  We can choose the words that we speak.

Saying something negative especially out of anger diminishes love and stifles it,it doesn't allow love to grow in a natural way.  The Bible says "he who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is quick tempered exalts folly" Proverbs 14:29.  Today's dare is based on Love is Patient, when we are patient we are slow to anger and therefore slow to say something negative; something we would regret.  When we quick to anger in a situation we say things we don't even think about, things we end up regretting later.  Being patient and slow to anger show mercy and love.  We aren't judging or condemning.  We need to remember that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes; even our spouses.  Being patients helps us understand that and be able to forgive them of their faults.  It allows our spouses to be human and make amends.  Being patient during the small things allow patience during the hard times and bring us closer together rather than pulling us apart.

The author of the "Love Dare" states that patience is "a choice to control your emotions rather than allowing  your emotions to control you, and shows discretion instead of returning evil for evil."  Patience is a choice to control our emotions which in turn allows us to control what is coming out of our mouths.  Today I am making a conscientious choice to think about the words that I say to Tom.  Are the positive or negative?  Am I allowing my emotions to control me, and how I handle things or do I have control over my emotions?   Saying something negative takes the understanding and affection out of a loving and patient relationship.  I know it will be a challenge to not say anything negative and to allow patience to rule instead of anger, but I am willing to work on it and become a better loving person because of it.