Sep 29, 2011

The Motions

I have gotten into the habit of listening to K-LOVE on my way to and from work, it is a Christian radio station. When I listen to it in the morning, I notice a difference from when I listen to something else or nothing at all. I have more energy and I am not as irritated with some of my co-workers. But anyway a song came on that I have heard many times before, but today…it brought me to tears. I tried to sing along but I got choked up. Very few songs make me do that, unless they really hit home and make me think about my life and my walk with Jesus.

Sometimes it does feel as if I am going through the motion of living life. Am I really allowing God’s passion to fill my life and my soul. I think I need to allow God to fill my life and allow him to be present in all aspects of my life. Somehow the passion of Christ has left me, probably because I am guilty of thinking I can handle things, or thinking this are too busy to spend even a few minutes with God. Its like just walking through the day in a daze, or a fog so to speak. Too often we do just go through the motions and follow the routine of things so to speak. I just told Tom the other day; I don’t like my new job because it is too routine, but we are content with having a routine with God. Why? We have schedules for our times with God, like church on Sunday or prayer time when we wake up or before bed, or Bible time during lunch or whatever. Why don’t we just randomly stop and pray like we would randomly stop and check our facebook?

I am sitting here as I type this and I ask myself I try hard to make time to spend with Tom because I love him, or time with my family and friends because I love them. I love Christ, so why is it so hard to make time for Him? Why is it I can listen to the songs and sing along at home or in the car, yet when I get to work I listen to something completely different? Maybe that can be the first change to not “going through the motions”

Sep 18, 2011

God's Will

Lately I have been listening to a Christian radio station K-Love more often. I love listening to it on my way to work. The other day I forget what they were talking about but they mention"For I know The plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I don't know why but hearing that verse really hit me and made me begin thinking about so many different things mainly my own life. God knows the plans he has for my life. Sure I may not know them, But God does.

I have been trying to write up my testimony for a few youth groups around the area and have been having a hard time doing it until I heard this verse. God has a plan for everything in our lives, the good things and the bad things are a part of God's plans. We may not know what those plans are and sometimes we may never know what they are, but God always has a way of using every event in our lives for something good, something better. In 2007 I was diagnosed with cancer, and there were times when I wondered what could possibly be God's plan for me to have cancer when I was 24. The more I think about it, the more I can see a plan, a path I can take. through my experience I can talk to others on a wide range of things regarding God. I could talk of His healing, His plans, that it is okay to be angry at God and so much more.